February 27, 2020
Teach For Kosova organized a conference on education in Kosova. At the conference were more than 10 municipal leaders, ranging from directors of education to mayors and deputy mayors, and principals from schools with which we have worked closely in the past. Additionally, at the conference were local, national and international actors along with Teach For Kosova board members. We were privileged to have speeches in support of our organization by Deborah MacLean, Public Affairs Officer from the US Embassy, Professor Dukagjin Pupovci of Kosova Education Center, and the Mayor of Kamenice, Qendron Kastrati.
Teach For Kosova presented the organization’s development, the summer training we will organize in 2020, and the details of the 2-year teaching and leadership development program. Finally, Teach For Kosova asked for all stakeholders in education to support us in our mission of ensuring that all of Kosova's children have access to a quality education.