Teach For Kosova's Inaugural Summer Institute


Between March and July, Teach For Kosova organized monthly virtual meetings with our first cohort of accepted Fellows. During these virtual meetings, Fellows were introduced to one another, the core values of Teach For Kosova, and were provided with monthly assignments to prepare them for Summer Institute.

Our head of training Samir developed the training program and themes for each week of Summer Institute. Together with Dardan and Fulbright Scholar Aaron Spitler, sessions and activities for Summer Institute were created for a 5 week training program.

The themes for each week were as follows:

Week 1: Foundational Sessions/Introduction to Teach For Kosova
Week 2: Leadership Development
Week 3: Effective Teaching, Planning, and Implementation
Week 4: Effective Teaching, Planning, and Implementation
Week 5: Building Community Relationships

From July 13th to August 14th, Teach For Kosova facilitated our first Summer Institute with 17 outstanding young leaders. Each day consisted of a full day of trainings with facilitated sessions, group discussions, and a variety of activities totaling to over 150 hours of training. Fellows were introduced to different concepts related to teaching, leadership, having a growth mindset, building relationships with education stakeholders, receiving feedback, and much more

Additionally, during weeks 3 and 4 of Institute, Fellows had the opportunity to practice teaching both virtually and in person. Each fellow was provided with a class of students (consisting of other fellows) and a Teach For Kosova staff member. Fellows were observed and received feedback from both their students and the Teach For Kosova observer.

Teach For Kosova staff and Fellows also had the opportunity to listen to many guest speakers, highlighted by Head of Parliament Vjosa Osmani and Former Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Ms. Osmani and Mr. Kurti discussed what it means to be a leader, how to persevere through challenging situations, and the importance of improving education in Kosova today. Other guest speakers included prominent educational leaders in Kosova who gave unique and nuanced perspectives on leadership and advocating for necessary change in our education system.

The Teach For Kosova team concluded Summer Institute in Germia Park where Fellows reflected on their journeys throughout Institute. In our end of Institute survey to fellows, we were ecstatic to read that 100% of our fellows would highly recommend our Fellowship to a family member or friend.


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