My name is Valmira, I am 29 years old and was born and raised in Prizren. In 2015 I completed my bachelor studies in Psychology. Since then, my professional engagement has been in the field of education.
I have worked for various organizations and have been an assistant, manager, and field worker. My different professions encompassed monitoring, training, and educating the younger generations in primary schools. My ambition has always been to help others and that is why I chose to study psychology.
I am an activist in my city and deal with issues like the fight for equality, justice, accountability, and transparency.
Now a new opportunity is being added to my ambition, Teach For Kosova. The good thing about this is the fact that we will be trained to be leaders in the field of education and will learn about the challenges that currently exist in Kosovo's education system. Additionally, we will be oriented towards quality and contemporary teaching.